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Quantum Physicists study the Output of the Field: energy ⇒ subatomic particles ⇒ all matter, which is to say that they study the physical universe. They know little of the Field as an Alive, Conscious BEing. They do recognize that the Field is intelligent and is causal= powerful because IT creates the sensible, rational, and functional universe that we live (as opposed to a random, chaotic one that would result were the Output of the Field not directed by Super-Intelligence).
Quantum Ontologists study the Field ITSELF. The Field is Life= Infinite Consciousness and Will (Power) = a BEing of Aware-Will = the Supreme Being and Creator of All That Is. That “Everything That Exists” includes both the physical universe and the individualizations of the Field which are the limited BEings = Aware-Will entities = spirits = technical term: psycans that incarnate into life forms to play in and enjoy the physical universe from within. You are one of these spirits, a psycan, currently enjoying your illusion of BEing only a human being to star in your Human Adventure Movie (you human life) on planet Earth.
Quantum Psychologists, by understanding quantum ontology, ergo the nature of BEing and of Reality, have pinpointed the True Laws of Human Existence; how life really works. The beliefs that the ordinary human being holes about how life works are mostly wrong, and often the exact opposite of the Truth. This is no accident: we-psycans come here to play Games and explore Drama. True Knowledge of How Life Really Works would lead to Personal Power which would easily manifest its desired results, which would be Game Over, End of Drama. The default setting for the Human Adventure Experience is Drama. If you wish to transform your life from struggle, effort, and Drama ⇒ to easy results, you must acquire both the right knowledge and make substantial changes in your BEing – which takes us to quantum psychotherapy
Quantum Psychotherapists, known as “Pilots” guide their clients to find within their Being, usually in their subconscious, the underlying true causes of their negative emotions, behaviors (for example, addictions, traumas, phobias, PTSD, etc.), relationship problems, and poor results in life. The causal reality is always an Identity, a state of BEing. The PILOT then guides the client to discreate that negative identity and re-create his Self in a positive identity, in his Highest Ideal of Who He Wants to Be. That re-creation of BEing will automatically change his other areas of life to positive, as indicated by the Causal Sequence of Life.
Quantum Psychotherapists use the Psycanics Being Transformation Technology (BTT) which is nothing like traditional psychotherapy. Because it works off of almost mathematical equations and formulas, it is a precision system that always produces fast and certain results; so much so that it works like magic. Furthermore, any person can learn to do and apply it to himself.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
– Arthur C. Clarke, science and science fiction writer.